COVID-19 restrictions apply. Please call priests for additional information, 02 6931 3601.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Daily at Holy Trinity Church from 6-7am; Friday 9pm to Saturday 7am.
Anointing for the Sick Mass
1st Tuesday of the month, Anointing of the Sick during 10.30am Mass at the Loreto Home of Compassion, Bardia Street, Ashmont.
Craft and Friendship Group
Tuesdays from 1.30pm at Holy Trinity Centre until 4 pm.
Contacts: President Josie Roth 02 6971 3534, Secretary Sr Audrey Pigram 02 6931 4246.
Ladies Auxiliary
Meetings when advertised in the Parish Bulletin, usually at 7 PM at Ho.T Meeting Room; All welcome. Info Julia 0407931274.
Rosary Group
Wednesdays, San Isidore Church 10:30 am, all welcome; info 6931 4478.
Before Saturday 7 am Mass and Sunday Masses at Holy Trinity Church, 9 am and 5.30 pm.
Senior Legion of Mary
Wednesday evenings at 7 pm, meetings in Ho.T meeting rooms; new members always welcome.
Prayer Vigils for Peace
1st Thursday of each month, 5.30 pm at Our Lady of the Eucharist Church, San Isidore.
During Advent and Lent the Vigils are weekly on a Thursday Evening at 5.30 pm; The prayer vigils are an initiative of San Isidore & West Wagga Refugee Committee. Info Peggy Adamson Ph (02) 6931 3059 or Joan on 6931 3048.
Fatima Family Statue
Contact Parish Phone: (02) 6931 3601
West Wagga Wag, Parish Monthly Magazine
These can be viewed by clicking this link.
To contribute articles to this parish journal, please contact us using any of the methods from here.
Content must be submitted by the 21st of each month.
Parish Missions and Retreats
The 2018 Parish Mission was conducted by Fr Ricardo Pineda CPM at Holy Trinity Church, Ashmont, during April 2018. The Mission presentation topics such as Baptism ~ Power to become children of God; The Church ~ That they may all be one; Confession ~ Unconditional love & healing; The Eucharist ~ Heaven on Earth; Mary ~ Mother of God and Our Mother.
These talks are available on either CD or DVD from
Fr Pineda lives in Kentucky, USA. and is of Salvadoran and Mexican descent. He completed his studies at Notre Dame University, where he enjoyed playing the trumpet in the Marching Band of the Fighting Irish! Fr Pineda is a member of the Congregation of the Fathers of Mercy, which was founded in 1808. The primary apostolate of the Fathers of Mercy is to conduct parish missions and retreats, which are now given throughout the United States, Canada and Australia. As with previous parish missions, it is a time for all parishioners to receive from Almighty God many additional graces for themselves and their families.
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